Ihm zu Ehren entstand 1986 das Franz Marc Museum in Kochel am See, in dem einige seiner Bilder zu sehen sind. Marc "painted only 45 paintings in 1913, of which four are in private hands. Jahrhundert zu den bedeutendsten Künstlern in Bayern. "The picture was restituted to the family last year after a long process, and they had already made the decision that when they got it back, that it would be put onto the open market for the next great collector to have the opportunity to own it," Pylkkänen said. The painting was later given to the Kunstpalast Museum in Düsseldorf. Dabei lohnt es sich diesen spärlichen Schatz zu kennen.

Fast unbekannt ist jedoch sein Werk in 3D seine Skulpturen. Auch seine Zeichnungen erfreuen sich einer großen Beliebtheit.

"The Foxes" was purchased in 1928 by German-Jewish collector Kurt Grawi, who according to Christie’s was forced to sell it to help his family survive and flee Nazi Germany. Franz Marc ist für seine populären Tierbilder und seine abstrakten Gemälde weltberühmt. Franz Marc was born in Munich, Germany in 1880 he had influence from his father, starting at an early age, as he worked as a landscape painter. His short career means his body of work is small and very few of his paintings are in private hands. Marc, a leading figure of the German expressionist movement, was born in Munich in 1880 and died in the World War One battle of Verdun aged just 36.